Psalm 124:1
"If the Lord had not been on our side—
let Israel say—
Psalm 136:1,4 & 23
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever.
to him who alone does great wonders,
His love endures forever.
He remembered us in our low estate
His love endures forever."
I wonder if you have ever had "if only moments", such moments tend to be filled with regret or remorse for things not done well, or failure to achieve a particular goal. On the other hand, because God is God alone and all power in Heaven and Earth belongs to him, we can have moments where we can not but acknowledge that, "If the Lord had not"; helped me, saved me, delivered me, heal me e.t.c;. The testimony shared today reflects one of such moments.
Meanwhile, kindly allow me to request for submission of your story, something that God has done in your life either in the past or recently, its' all to the glory of God and to encourage your neighbor who is going through something similar. To make it easier, you can make an audio recording using the sound recorder on your cell phone and send it to Thank you.
My name is Joy and God has blessed me immeasurably with a great spouse and children. The testimony am about to relate is on how God divinely intervened in a situation that doctors could not provide answers. I got pregnant with my 3rd child when I least expected it, I was not a happy camper because it was unexpected and also because my previous pregnancies were rough rides. I decided to pray and asked God to make the pregnancy a dream for me, that I will not experience any illness and will be strong throughout. God was faithful as that pregnancy was indeed like a dream, I was so strong that friends who visited me a day before I put to bed, did not believe the news as they did not see me like someone about to drop.
The delivery itself is another testimony as God preserved my life when I lost consciousness during labor, I eventually had a C-Section. The main story is on what happened after discharge from the hospital. All was well until the first baby check up at two(2) weeks. It's expected that a new baby will lose a little weight after birth, but however, my baby's weight loss was very high. The doctor asked me a series of questions to ascertain that my baby was feeding well, sleeping as expected and how frequent was urination and bowel movement. My answers were quite okay, so the doctor asked me to bring the baby back in ten(10) days.

Naturally as a mother, I became worried and perplexed as I was trying my best to take care of my baby. At the second visit, there was a further loss of weight, at that point, the Pediatrician became concerned, She checked him out and found nothing wrong. I was interviewed by a Nutritionist to determine if I was eating well and if there will be need to start bottle feeding on powder milk. I was told to come back again the following week. By this time, I became deeply troubled and was prepared to do all I can to help my baby. I purchased Enfamil and started bottle feeding. However after one week, there was a further weight loss. A baby that weighed about 6lbs at birth was now weighing about 3lbs.
Consequently, we were referred to the Children's Specialist Hospital in my area. During the day we spent there, my baby was monitored and tested, but we were told to go home around 11pm that night as they did not observe neither discovered anything wrong. I was emotionally wrecked that day as I reached my wits end, I was desperate to see a turnaround in that situation. When I got home around 12 mid night, I carried my baby to the bathroom, put him on the counter top and said " God, there you have him, I did not want another child but you decided to bless me with him, so if indeed you are God and nothing is impossible with you, touch whatever is wrong in my baby's body that even the doctors could not see". After praying, I poured anointing oil on his head and rubbed it on his body as well.

To the glory of God, I started noticing changes in my baby after three(3) days and by the time we went for our weekly checkup he had gained about 3 ounces. I was excited and knew God has answered me. The weigh in after another week showed an additional 3 ounces gained. The pediatrician called me aside and asked "Tell me, what have you been doing differently in the care of your baby?" I answered " nothing at all but Prayer". By the time my baby clocked three(3) months, he had stopped bottle feeding, stopped our weekly visits and at six(6) months weighed double the range he should weigh at six months. God divinely intervened when I had reached my wits end and when doctors could not provide answers. Anytime friends and people around want to call my baby's name, they will put 'Big' in front of his name. God wiped away my tears, took away my sorrow and put joy and laughter into my life.
Thanks be to God, who is ever attentive to our prayers. The name in the above testimony was changed as per the sharer's request.
Can we worship God together by listening to the music below?
God You Are Good by Don Meon