Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Power of Prayer

Prayer!!!, a beautiful and wondrous means of communication between man and God, it could be just a whisper of 'I love you God' or a desperate cry of 'Jesus help me, save me, I need you now!'. Engaging in prayer is simply letting God in and our self out, showing our utter dependency on the One in whom "we live and move and have our being" Acts 17:28.

The topic of prayer is inexhaustible because from Genesis to Revelation we find stories of how people poured out their hearts to God in different circumstances and situations. Not only do we see people pray, but we read of answers to prayers. Sometimes we can get weary when it seems like the heavens are closed and our expected answers are taking time, I encourage in such moments to say
"Jesus, help me, Strengthen me from my inner man, help me to keep trusting as I wait".

I found the testimony below to be simply riveting. It shows that prayer is indeed powerful, that God is awesome and that unified prayer accomplishes much. God is faithful and his mercies never end.

Click on the link below to read the testimony am sharing this week. It's a podcast of Jesus Calling and you will also find a narration of the podcast.

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