Life Choices
I choose to believe, I choose to trust, I choose to love and so many others. Life is all about making choices. Are you familiar with the typewriter and the noise it generates when in use? On Monday of last week, my thoughts were sounding exactly that way, the pace of negative thoughts was so fast that I had to take a deep breathe and make a decision not to allow free rein to such thoughts. Taking that decision led me to start declaring the things I choose.
I choose to be content with all that I have even when the pantry is empty and there is no money in the bank account. I choose to believe that am God's masterpiece even when my body is being ravaged by sicknesses and diseases. I choose to be patient as God is working everything out for my good. I choose to believe that even when things are not going my way, God is on my way. I choose to trust that God's plan for my life is taking me to a very good end. I choose life, the life abundant that the Lord Jesus Christ has given me. Furthermore, I choose peace, to be happy, to rejoice in the midst of trials and sorrows. I choose to sing aloud when doubts crowd my mind and dance stamping the enemy under my feet. I choose Jesus.
Song of the week:
There are few musicians that I have really connected to and also connect to their music. Don Moen has been a favorite for many years and recently can't stop listening to songs written and sang by Sinach Joseph. One of those is below titled "Rejoice"
Lyric video: https://youtu.be/u9o6EJYHIUg
God's Love Story:
My God "Moment"
This is a recent story about something that may seem mundane and ordinary to some people but it was an answer to a heartfelt prayer and that which showed the faithfulness of God.
Am not a gym buff and not a fan of exercises but I do love taking walks because I get to see and observe things like nature, take pictures and have quiet moments in my spirit with God. One of such days was Thursday, November 17th., I was on a walk, listening to music via my phone and was about 35mins away from my house when I observed a changing skyline. It was a generally cloudy day, not too cold but with brisk winds. The change in the skyline was one that signified rain and then I remembered there was a forecast of 5% chance of rain. Here I was, a long way from home without rain coat or umbrella, I had initial thoughts of turning back but knew that will not help me so I made a decision to pray and I prayed as follows:
"Lord, I pray that all the elements in the heavens and earth that brings about rain should hold still and let it not rain until I have gotten back home I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen "
Then, as an afterthought I added "and let the sun shine amen".
I continued to my mid point, which I had previously determined to turn back and head home. On getting there, I made a step to turn back and my eyes saw something it has never seen before. It was a moment of awe for me and could not resist taking a picture of it.
Ray of Hope
My heart was filled with joy and I was skipping and swinging my hands till I got back home. The dark heavy clouds rolled away, the sun eventually came out and I was able to experience a minute portion of what God is able to do when we pray. All praise and glory be to his name. I titled my picture 'Ray of Hope' because no matter the darkness around us, God's light shines through. Hallelujah
Last week's blog post
After publishing my post of last week, I decided to catch up on my emails before getting ready for church service. One of the emails was daily devotional from faith gateway and it was on the theme of what you see. I have learned that there are no coincidences, when God wants to reiterate a point, He brings it to one's notice more than once. If you desire to read more go to: http://www.faithgateway.com/surprised-god-everywhere/#.WDIpOZXrvIU
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