Sunday, April 8, 2018

All He Did is Not in Vain

Happy Easter!

That was the joyful sound exchanged with friends and family last week, and saying it now sounds off or inappropriate but in my perspective, our celebration of what God accomplished through the death and resurrection of Jesus should be a daily celebration. Why? It brings glory to God, reminds us that we have been purchased with a price, the blood of Jesus and we now belong to the family of God. Where we were hopeless, we now have hope, where there was anxiety or worry, we have peace that we are more than conquerors. The three great events that took place between passover to pentecost showcased the power of God. This power brought salvation, deliverance, healing, raised the dead,  and a new beginiing for all those who have accepted Christ. This newness of life gives us the opportunity to become God's masterpiece created in Christ Jesus..... Ephesians 2:10

As we acknowledge and remember the work that was accomplished, we should remind ourselves that God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be Holy and blameless in His presence. In love. Ephesians 1:4. To this end, we should employ what drives us to exercise daily, stick to diet plans to live a much more profitable lives by godly living. 1 Timothy 4:7-8 "......train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. "


On a beautiful summer morning last year July, I woke up and prepared for church with the usual expectation in my heart. The expectation that am going to worship God and fellowship with other believers and that I would hear from God. This time period in my life and family was pretty chaotic but I was filled with hope that breakthrough was on the horizon.

My family got to church on time, sat in our usual spot and rose up with others to sing songs of worship. As I was singing with my mouth, my heart and eyes wandered around the congregation and it alighted on a family right in front of me. They had a young girl who wore very skimpy shorts or what some call bum shorts, and I felt really offended.  My focus wandered away from worshipping to wondering why a mother would allow such indecent dressing to church.  As my mind started remembering all the instances in which I have seen such dressing in the church,  how much it offends me and forming opinions about irresponsible parenting, I felt a nudge within me and I heard " Judge not, so that you will not be judged".

It was like a bucket of cold water was poured on me, I could no longer sing and felt so unclean in God's presence. Like a movie, all the instances in which I had played the judge in and outside the church flashed before me and I realized that having a judgmental spirit is something I need to work on. Whether or not the actions I was judging was right or wrong, I allowed the actions of others to remove my focus from God. I asked God to forgive me and create within me a clean heart.

God chastened me and I realized that truly God allows us to go through some trials in order to remold us, to work in us so that we can become holy.  A few months after that Sunday, another judgmental incident occurred and God gently reminded me that He is still working in me and fine tuning me. He is building me up into a spiritual house. Am not yet perfect but each time I fall into a rut, I remind myself that my sins are forgiven and God is working his good pleasure in me.

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