Sunday, January 31, 2016

The God of suddenly!

Two weeks and counting! Three awesome testimonies has been shared and am sure they have encouraged you to trust more in God and give thanks for His many wonders among us. My thanks to those that sent in testimonies, I pray that you will continue to testify about the goodness of God.
 For the sake of clarification, I will not publish the real names of those sending in testimonies to maintain a sense of privacy.  However, if you do not mind using your real name, notify me when you are emailing me your testimony. If you want to share but can't seem to find time to write it down, email me a request for a call section. We will discuss on phone and will send you a copy for verification before publishing it. May the love of Christ continue to bind us all together Amen.

John 10:10 (ESV) "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." 

The testimony shared today by Jo illustrates the bible verse above, please read on:

Saved from suicide


Some years ago, my husband and I had some problems that led him to desert the children and me. He started an affair and married another woman which made me feel unloved, lonely, sad and frustrated. Life as I knew it ended, providing basic necessities was difficult nor was I able to pay school fees as at when due. It was a trying period in which my days seemed dark and hopeless, confusion reigned supreme and could not move forward. There was a number of sympathizers around me but not one of them could help, rather they pitied me.

One day, my heart was so heavy, felt alone and depression had taken hold. Questions that had no immediate answers flooded my mind. One of such question was “Why am I living?”  My mind was blind to the goodness of God, and thought that “death was better than my present struggles”.

As soon as the decision to kill myself was taken, I stood up and counted out ten tablets of Valium 10mg, a medication meant to help me sleep better at night. I also got a cup of water to use in swallowing all the ten tablets at once. With the cup of water in my left hand and the drugs in my right, I proceeded to kill myself but suddenly all my children ran into the room straight at me. They collided with me and I fell down, the water and the medication I had intended to swallow was scattered around me on the floor. My children still been little kids were oblivious to the fact that I was about to take my life, shortly after then, my reasoning returned and was reminded that God blessed me with 5 beautiful children who needs their mother. God showered me with mercy and sent those children to run into me.

Several years later, I relayed the story of my suicide attempt to the children and they did not remember the incident but gave glory to God for saving my life. Today, I have cause to thank God that He kept me alive, God showed me great love. All my Children are alive and married to good spouses and they also take good care of me. Praise God! What can I offer but my whole life to God in return, He is the helper of the helpless. We can never be alone with Christ in our life, He never leaves nor forsakes us. We just have to trust in him that His plans for us are good, to give us hope. Blessed be God Almighty for His mercies. Alleluia!

Don't forget to check my reflections page for what I was reminded of this week on faith or click on this link:


1 comment:

  1. Hallelujah!Praise God for this great testimony. Knowing the Lord and trusting Him with our lives is our expression of faith in Him. The Lord never fails and please be reminded that all things work together for good for those that love and trust Him. He will keep in perfect peace those whose hearts are stayed on Him.
