God has given us many promises, one of which is that of protection. The bible is filled with many instances of God's protection and deliverance. It is supposed that Moses wrote Psalm 91 at the beginning of the 40 years in the wilderness to comfort and encourage the Children of Israel.
Am assured of God's protection over me and my family anytime I read Psalms 91 and 121. God's divine presence protected Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace and Daniel in the Lion's den. Jesus saved the disciples when a storm arose on the sea. Psalm 50: 15 says" And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver the, and thou shalt glorify me".
Below is a praise report shared by Rebecca:
was traveling to Lagos, Nigeria a few weeks ago. The trip was safe until we
approached the Lagos toll gate. All of a sudden, the driver of the vehicle I
was in started shouting break failure, swerving from left to right.The vehicle was heading for a parked bulldozer and other vehicles around us
were turning in from left and right. We were all shouting, while the vehicle
was running fast. Desperately I held on the car and shouted “Jesus stop this
car “. The car stopped immediately and we all breathed a sigh of relief for Jesus
saved our lives. We came out of the car safe and sound. The name of Jesus is a
strong tower the righteous run into Him and are saved. God said “CALL ON ME IN
THE DAY OF TROUBLE “, we called on Him and He answered and saved us from untimely
death. Praise God!
God is indeed faithful and His ears are attentive to our cry.
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