Sunday, February 14, 2016

God heard Me!

God Heard Me!

The Lord Almighty has been so wonderful to me. He blessed me greatly with all manners of blessings including the fruit of the womb. Sometimes in July 2013, when my pregnancy was almost 6 weeks old, I went to work in the morning without any pain or premonition of what laid ahead of me.  While at work, I decided to use the convenience and made a startling discovery that I was bleeding while cleaning up.   Being a novice, I rushed to my computer system to browse the internet in order to understand the plight that has befallen me - bleeding in pregnancy.  On discovering that I was having a miscarriage, I rushed to the hospital and was given an injection to stop the bleeding. Thereafter, I went home praying that the bleeding will stop, but unfortunately I lost the pregnancy.  The miscarriage made me heartbroken and on the following day, a D and C section was carried out in order to clean up my womb. My Gynecologist advised me to wait for two months before attempting another pregnancy and I did so.

In October 2013, God smiled on me and blessed me with another pregnancy and was determined to do my best to sustain the pregnancy. In this vein, I embarked on a planned vacation to enable me rest from the hustle and bustle of work.  Unfortunately, all my precautions failed.   In the first week of November, I took a birth after preparing dinner for my husband and to my greatest surprise saw blood again and my heart was gripped with fear.  My husband called the hospital to inform them I was coming in, proceeded to rush me to there and was placed on admission at my insistence. The reality of losing another pregnancy dawned on me and was inconsolable as I bled all through the night.  Another D and C procedure was performed on me but after the procedure, the doctor checked and observed that my womb was not properly evacuated.  He had to take me through another trauma (the same day) and injected me with sedatives which made me feel helpless and confused, as I lost touch with reality and was in another world. I could only hear noises around me for a long while.  I was thereafter placed on some medication to help me recuperate and heal well.

To the glory of God, I got pregnant the third time in December, 2013 and this time around, I was able to carry the pregnancy to full term. During the first trimester, a scan was carried out and was told that I was carrying twins – my joy knew no bounds. However, I became ill (still at the first trimester) that I could not eat without taking Maxolon, and was eventually placed on admission for a while. Days after discharge from the hospital, I went for my usual antenatal appointment and another scan was carried out and the doctor saw that one of the twins was no longer virile – stopped growing (dead). I became so sad because the news was unexpected and disheartening.I made an appointment with another doctor (in a new hospital), who told me that they cannot perform a D and C since the second fetus is still alive. Furthermore, they were scared that the dead fetus might contaminate the other one, yet they could not do anything about it. He said I should pray for God’s intervention – which is the only solution. To the glory of God, on my next antenatal appointment, the dead twin had disappeared without me bleeding or feeling any discomfort.

When the fetus was about 38 weeks, the nurses affirmed that the baby was well positioned for a perfect delivery but never knew the devil was still having plans.  At 40 weeks, contractions came heavily but disappeared. In order to bring on labor, I engaged in serious exercise such as climbing stairs from the ground floor to the 20th floor. Though my baby was eager to come out, there was a holding back.  At 41 weeks, 4 days, I was finally scheduled for induction but I can never forget what happened that day.  Upon arrival at the hospital, the doctor checked me and said I was only 1cm dilated and therefore gave me some tablets (which I was instructed to allow to dissolve in my mouth) to soften my cervix prior to the induction.  During this period, the baby’s heart beat went down that the doctors had to rush in to examine me and I was informed that my baby was getting tired.

After 7 hours, dilation was still 1cm – no change.  Another female doctor came in and told me that they did not know what was going on in my womb but to save mother and child, they will have to perform a C Section.  Barely 15 minutes after administration of epidural, my baby was born. I was told that she had umbilical cord tied round her neck thrice.  OLUWATETISIMI (means God heard my prayer) is indeed a MIRACLE, the God of Elijah who answers by fire is still on the throne.  I can never thank Jesus enough for appearing on my behalf to give me victory.  He has been so faithful. Thank you Jesus for seeing me through.

The above testimony was shared by K. A-A (Initials)

Her sharing her story was a testimony for me. After last weeks blog post, I had no material to work with for this week.  So, I turned to God and prayed that someone whose story He wants to use for His glory should send in their testimony and behold God answered me. Is God not amazing! He orders our lives and footsteps to the Glory of His name. Hallelujah !

Please if you do get a nudge to share your story, do write it down and send it to As you read and is blessed or encouraged by these testimonies, share it with friends and family. Remember 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

"3Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."


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