Sunday, March 6, 2016

God of Wonders


God the creator, who created the heavens and earth. The earth was a formless wasteland filled with deep darkness and God, the great designer spoke into being everything that exists on earth today.
The master porter formed man out of the dust of the ground and used a single rib to create the woman. A breath from His nostrils gave us life. What a wonderful God!

A generation later, He caused a great flood to wipe out all humanity and every living creature, gave us a beautiful symbol of His love and promise never to destroy the world with water again, the Rainbow, an awe inspiring sight anytime seen in the sky. And with the two by two replenished and repopulated the earth.

God made a rubbish of medical science when a man well past his prime and a womb long dead came alive and brought forth a child of promise, Isaac. He required a sacrifice from Abraham, yet made a magical presentation of a lamb for the sacrifice.  He called Abraham friend, oh what a relationship!
Joseph the dreamer of dreams went from favorite son to slave, from  favored servant  to prison, from favored prisoner to interpreter of dreams and then Prime minister. All in order to save and preserve God's people, the seeds of Abraham.

The land of Egypt never remained the same, when God decided to liberate His people by many signs and wonders. A bush that burned yet not consumed, a shepherds staff became the finger of God and a mighty blast of his nostrils created dry land in the middle of the red sea. For forty years manna came down from heaven and fed his people.
Out of twelve rods, Aaron's rod was the only one that sprouted, brought forth buds, yielded blossoms and almonds in one night!

At a triumphant shout, a mysterious demolition brought down the wall of Jericho and God honoring Joshua's spoken word, made the Sun to stand still upon Gibson and the Moon in the valley of Avalon for 24 hours. A single man was endowed with such great strength that he singlehandedly became God's battle axe against the Philistines.

By the majesty of His greatness, He transformed a young shepherd boy into a warrior and then a King after God's own heart. A sling and a stone became mighty instruments that brought down a giant measuring 10feet tall. Have you ever wondered how and where the Ravens  got the bread and meat they fed Elisha morning and night for several months. What a special delivery from birds that naturally fear man. A small handful of flour and a little oil was multiplied several times to feed three people for close to three years during a big famine. Oh what a wonder and miracle!

To prove He alone is God and there is no other, fire fell from the sky and consumed not only the bullock, but also the wood, stones, dust and licked up the water surrounding the altar. He is an all consuming fire, nothing can stand in His way.  At His instruction, ditches in a valley was filled with water without wind, nor rain. Three kings and their army with animals drank after seven days of thirst, yet the same water was like blood to the moabites. What an amazing God who can use the ordinary to do extraordinary things!

God allowed Job to be tested and to lose all, but yet Job was blessed again with double for his lose and a quiver full of children, among which were three beautiful young woman who were apportioned an inheritance in their fathers house. Can you imagine being burned by fire, and yet not be burned? Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had the privilege of walking in the fire with someone who looks like a Son of Man. Their bounds were loosed, hair was not singed, clothes did not smell of smoke, and led to their promotion. Lions had to go hungry for a night because an angel shut up their mouths so that they could not eat Daniel, but these same lions unleashed their hunger on Daniel's accusers.

Oh that my eyes be opened to see and understand visions and revelations like Daniel, God singled him out to expose future events and happenings to him,  he was able to stand in the gap for God's people, he went seventy days fasting and praying for deliverance. May I be endowed with such grace to persevere in prayers and esteem the things of God greater than material things!

God moved the heart of a king to favor Nehemiah. Cyrus became an instrument in God's hand in order that the walls of Jerusalem can be built again, all that was taken away from the temple was restored. The antics of God's enemies to stop the rebuilding was stopped. Mordecai was remembered at the right time for a good deed so that his enemy was humbled before him and the gallows meant for him was used for the same person who built it.  What a great deliverer God is!.

What a great wonder the path to our redemption was! The Holy Spirit came upon Mary and she conceived Jesus who is our Savior. God came down and lived among us in the flesh, within a period of three years, many hearts were turned and reconciled to God. Jesus ministry was evidenced by many signs and wonders, the dead were raised to life, long term illnesses disappeared, winds and storms went silent at His rebuke. An invisible scissors cut the veil in the temple into two at His death and the stone was rolled away at His resurrection and He is alive forevermore. What a wondrous sight to the disciples as He was caught up to Heaven.

God of wonders still does wonders today if only we can but open our eyes to see and understand, from the invisible angels that protect us 24/7 to numerous answers to prayers. God is great and His greatness is unsearchable. Praise him continually and tell of his many wonders in your life. Glory Halleluyah!

Language interpretation for Sonnie Badu's 'Wonder God'

The lyrics are a combination of English language, Pidgin English and the Yoruba Language in Nigeria, West Africa.

Weytin - What
Eledumare - Supreme Creator
Kabiyeosi - unquestionable God
Baba - Father
Na wa o/ Nawa yah o - An exclamation to show surprise, joy, happiness or otherwise
Iyanu ni oruko re- Your name is wonderful
Talodabire - No one compares to you
Osubare re re o - You are worthy to be praised

Thank you for sharing in my brief journey to extol the virtues of our God. Please share to as many as you can. Be an encourager!

Things to note:

If led to share a testimony, send me a brief email and I can call you to get it written down if you don't have the time to type it out. You can also make an audio recording if you want, I will transcribe it out. Thank you for being my co- laborers.

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