Sunday, August 14, 2016

No reason to Fear!

Genesis 1:31 "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. ", we are created with emotions and our feelings reflect our emotions at any moment in time. Fear is one of the good emotions we have (The awe and reverence we have towards God) but also one the enemy preys upon in order to undermine our worship, our faith and believe in God. No wonder God gave us 365 "Fear Not" in the Bible. One for each day of the year, so that we can wake up and say 'Today, I will not fear because God is with me'. The opposite of fear is faith, so let's begin to address each fear that is holding us captive with faith in the God.

2 Timothy 1:7 "for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."


By: Lola

Do you know that God is awesome and amazing beyond words? He is ever faithful and a present help in trouble. Sometimes ago I fell ill and Satan decided to torment my life to a level that I was rendered comatose spiritually. I say comatose because as sick as I was, I was not able to do one thing that was most appropriate and that was to pray. Instead I  was filled with the spirit of fear that my sickness will develop into a life threatening disease and that death will be the end.

During this time, sleep took a vacation as I was not comfortable, it was like a yoke of heaviness was laid upon me. I averaged two hours of sleep per day and all my attempts to sleep did not work. After about three days of sleeplessness, I determined to seek medical attention. Albeit, on the day I planned to go to the hospital, something happened. It was like a door was opened and I began to realize that Satan took away my ability to pray by putting that yoke of heaviness upon me. I then decided to force myself to pray anyway, anyhow. I started praying pleading the blood of Jesus over my life and over every part of my body. From there I prayed for my healing and was listing each organ in my body and asking the life of God to enter into it.

As I was praying, a psalm started resonating within me, psalm 30, I stopped praying and asked myself if am familiar with any verse in that psalm and the answer was No. I continued with my prayers and the more I prayed, the more psalm 30 was coming to me. Not only that, I discovered that I was no longer feeling weak and the desire to pray more had intensified. After my prayers, I picked my bible and opened to psalm 30 and behold I was struck with amazement. That psalm was filled with Rhema that addressed my situation.

I jumped up and started confessing verse 1-2 and claimed my healing. I was declaring my healing over and over again with thanks in my heart to God. Within an hour, I was filled with such joy and strength, I was literally dancing around my house and that was the end of my fears, weakness, sickness and sleeplessness. The life of God entered into me and made me whole. Glory be to His name. Why am I sharing my story? It's because I want it to encourage you that when Satan robs you of your health, and plants seed of fear into you, don't stop praying, gird up your strength and pray more than ever before. Victory shall be yours in Jesus name and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel will show you his mercies and loving-kindness. Even if, you don't get immediate results like I did, don't lose hope or faith, because the word of God has said "weeping may endure for a night, but Joy comes in the morning".  Hallelujah. Lord I thank you for your goodness unto me, I will never forget what you have done, thank you Jesus.

{Worship Song: I will Sing by Don Moen}

Once again, we see the goodness and faithfulness of God in action in the life of a child of God. Can we take a few minutes to pray the prayers below? Pray for yourself and intercede for those that needs breakthrough in regards to their health.
  1. Let me always cast my burdens upon You, O Lord
  2. I loose myself from the bondage of fear, in the name of Jesus
  3. Let every tree planted by fear in my life dry to the roots in Jesus name
  4. Spirit of sleeplessness, mother of sickness, be bound in Jesus name
  5. Spirit of heaviness, depart from my spirit, in the name of Jesus
  6. Let the power to pray above my normal level fall upon me, in the name of Jesus
  7. I pass all the organs in my body through the blood of Jesus, let the life of God enter into my body systems and heal me totally in Jesus name.

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