Sunday, December 11, 2016

Strange Works of God in my Business

Tale of two 'Believe'

It's very easy to believe in the power of God and his word  because we know God cannot lie, the promises of God are 'yes' and 'amen'. But on the other hand, I find it difficult to trust and believe the words of prophets, because history has shown that prophecies can be true or false. Because of this reason, the word of God gave guidelines that helps in determining whether a word of prophecy is true or not. (1 John 4:1; Deuteronomy 18:22 ; Jeremiah 28:9)

Despite my reticence on the above, I had cause to believe certain words of prophecy generally spoken by men of God within the last four months. One was in September and two this month, each of these prophecies has come to pass in my life and I have prospered forthwith from them. So I encourage you to hold onto words of prophecy spoken directly over your life or those sown as seeds by men of God. Activate your faith, declare the words over your life, situation and challenges and believe!

God's Love Story:

What does spit, clay and a pool have in common? They are carriers or vessels of God's glory used by Jesus to work miracles. In Acts of Apostles, the sick were laid on the streets so that they can be overshadowed by Paul's shadow. The testimony or story shared today belongs to the category of such manifestation of God's power through one of his creations.

                                            STRANGE WORK OF GOD IN FAMILY BUSINESS
                                                                        By: Ifeoluwa

I want to thank God Almighty for his strange works in my family and business. A few months ago, God gave us a new business idea that we worked on and started. Since the inception of the business, we had few sales, and it has been so stormy .We have been working so hard to make the business stand and also for us to get customers and orders but there was little or no progress.

Recently, the man of God came around to visit the place of our business,  and he prayed on our goods and also prayed on water by divine instruction.  He asked us to use the water to spray our goods and every part of our shop. We obeyed God and believed the prophet by doing exactly as we have been instructed.  To the glory of God, within 6 hours things started turning around for us. Within a day, we had so many orders that we could not cope with. In fact since that day, we have been stylishly rejecting or delaying  orders because we have so much than we can handle now. As it is , our workers will work all night within the next 2 weeks for us to meet up with orders.  We give God the glory for the strange turn around in our business.  Indeed we serve a God of sudden turnarounds.

Our Lord and God, we thank you for your faithfulness and mercies. We thank you for this testimony of your power at work in strange ways. We ask that according to your word, you will rise up and do your work, your strange work in our lives. The tasks that you have planned to carry out, in order that our lives reflect your glory, do it O Lord. We believe in You and we believe your words, may we be established and may we prosper as we believe the words of faith spoken by your servants. We receive with thanks in Jesus name. Amen

Last notes:
In this season of Advent, as we remember what the birth of Jesus has accomplished in our lives, I want to encourage us to start a new Christmas tradition. If you do put up Christmas tree in your house, ask each member of your family to either create an ornament or get something that is representative of something great God did this year in their lives. You can also write out a few words about it and either glue it o the back of the ornament or stuff it inside. That way, each year as the family keeps adding on such representations of God's faithfulness, our trees becomes much more meaningful and can really rejoice on what God has done over the years.

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