Sunday, December 18, 2016


When God's Power is perfect
God got my attention with a bible passage that I came across 3 times within 24 hours, and it was an eye opener because I never knew that, certain thoughts about myself was making me to loose focus on who God is. Flagellating myself about my weaknesses had become a daily habit, but God who knows my secret, innermost thoughts decided that enough was enough and He spoke to me so vividly through his word.
"But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me. That is why, for the sake of Christ, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Since then, I have made it a daily habit to pray that God's grace will be sufficient for me, that his power should be made perfect through my weaknesses, and that his power will rest on me. Furthermore, I pray that like Paul, I will take delight in weaknesses, hardships, insults, and difficulties. The word 'delight' paints a picture of a young kid who is in the process of getting a promised treat and with a huge grin  is hopping from one foot to the other, hands held out to receive. 
 God's promise is that his power is perfected in that difficult situation, or hardship or weakness and knowing that helps me to wait in expectation for the manifestation of God's power.

God's Love Story:
                                                               GOD IS EVER FAITHFUL
                                                                                                   By: Mrs. Akinyemi-Adigun, K. A.
I had a dream and saw my son being tormented by some group of people. Afterwards, I prayed a simple prayer because I know the God that I believe and serve will not suffer me to the hands of my foes.

Some days later, I began to experience strange feelings towards my son. This grew stronger and it dawned  on my spirit that he was going to fall victim of an accident in his factory. So, I prayed and reminded GOD of His past mercies and faithfulness to my family.

Eventually, the accident occurred! All glory to God Almighty, He made a way of escape. My son was spared, the hand of God caused him to move away from where he stood and just immediately the hot heavy barrel of his machine gave way, fell right to the very point where he had moved from.

My God is ever faithful!!!

Advent Season

It's the season to remember, rejoice and be thankful for the most wonderful gift we have ever received. The song below is a rendition of the song: Little drummer boy by Pentatonix. Enjoy!

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