Sunday, January 1, 2017

Unending Mercies

Happy New Year!

A year ends and another begins with good wishes,resolutions and hope for better things . I had such expectations for the year that just ended and it was indeed what I will term 'the year of shaking', being 'shaken' is not bad, it opens doors for realignment, new beginning, stronger faith, enduring hope, answered prayers and miracles. Right from January to December 2016, I constantly experienced the steadfast love of God and as 2017 begins, I start it with praise and thanksgiving.  The song below is my testimony.

The Hand's of Moses:

I cannot fail but share a little insight I received this morning; The hand's of Moses; God used those hands mightily in the deliverance of the children of Israel from slavery and on their journey to the promised land. Right from the burning bush, God asked Moses what was in his hands, and it was a staff. The staff become a tool for God's use but my focus today is just the hands of Moses alone. In several instances, God asked Moses to stretch out these hands and when he did, amazing things happened. What's so special about these hands? They are hands raised in submission to the power and authority of God, hands raised in victory over problems and troubles, hands raised in acknowledgement of God's sovereignty, hands raised in faith and obedience to God's instructions. As we start this year, I encourage us to lift our hands over the year, lift our hands over every trouble that comes our way, and to stretch out those hands of victory because God's arm of power is right behind them.
"who sent his glorious arm of power to be at Moses' right hand, who divided the waters before them, to gain for himself everlasting renown,"  Isaiah 63:12
(Scripture references: Exodus 4:4; 10:12, 21-22; 14:21,27; 17:11and Psalm 77:20)

God's love Story:

Kindly take time to watch the video below, it will arm you and encourage you.

Youtube Video: God's Love Letter for you

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