Sunday, April 3, 2016

Good Plans

If there is anything that we must know and be confident of ; it's that God has a plan for each person he knitted together in the womb, we must also be confident that God loves us to the uttermost and that he is Sovereign. I have realized these facts and am still realizing them as I go through life and His plans for my life. When we read or hear a testimony of what God did in someone's life and we have also passed through a similar one with a different outcome, we wonder why, we ask questions, and we might even begin to doubt the love of God.

I would like to encourage us to Trust in God always for He has plans for you and will make that situation to work together for your good. You might see and experience the good yourself, the good of it might also be for another person to come to know Christ. There are a lot of examples in the bible of God using someone's challenges or difficulties to bring others to the knowledge of him and of his power, Daniel and Paul to mention a few.

This weeks testimony is culled from an article that was published on the web, it's an excerpt from a newly published book by Shelene Bryan titled Ridiculous Faith. You can click on the blue subtitle link below to read the whole article, I was blessed reading it.

Ridiculous Faith: The Faithful Hand of God:

 … who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions… — Hebrews 11:33

Several years ago, along with our church’s media team, I was co producing and hosting What’s Your Story?, a cable TV program. This show about inspiring stories in the lives of everyday people always started the same way.
Bruce and Jaimie were college sweethearts. They met at The Master’s College in Southern California, where Bruce, a high school basketball star, was attending on a full-ride basketball scholarship. They discovered they both enjoyed the game of basketball and the Los Angeles Lakers in particular. Building on that connection, they fell in love and soon were married.
Bruce and Jaimie were enjoying the beauty of young love and getting used to the ups and downs the first year of marriage can bring. They planned to wait a few years before starting a family so they could settle into their careers. But less than a year into their newlywed bliss, Jaimie became pregnant. Although the news was unexpected, Jaimie and Bruce were thrilled about it. They let their families know and began celebrating the miracle of the growing child in Jaimie’s tummy.
“Mrs. Watson, I’m sorry to tell you this, but… you’ve had a miscarriage.”
Those words hit like a ton of bricks.
What? How can that be? Jaimie thought.
“You can tell that from the ultrasound?” she asked. “Well, to be frank, we simply can’t find anything on the ultrasound,” he said. “I went back to my office to check your urine sample to make sure we had the right diagnosis, and you did have numbers indicating you were in fact pregnant. At this point we are going to need to do a dilation and curettage, commonly called a D & C.”
Jaimie had no idea what a D & C was, but it certainly did not sound good.
“But I don’t have any signs of a miscarriage — no bleeding, no cramping, I feel fine.”
“I understand, but we are going to need you to come in on Friday to perform the procedure on you.” The doctor explained that a D & C involved scraping the uterine walls to make sure no tissue was left behind to become infected.
“Uhhh, okay,” Jaimie said, overwhelmed.
She called Bruce and told him what was happening. They made plans for her D & C.
Two days later, on Friday, Bruce took Jaimie to her appointment. As she was changing from her clothes into a hospital gown, she began to have a feeling that something was wrong.
“God, please help me through this,” she prayed. “Please guide the hand of the doctor.”
“Everything went very well,” Dr. Hansen said. “Jaimie should not have any cramping because I took extra time to clean everything out.”
“Okay, thank you, Doctor,” Bruce said.
Within a few hours Bruce took Jaimie home, and just as the doctor had advised, she took it easy for a few days. Bruce and Jaimie spent that time together mourning the loss of the unborn child. But a week after the procedure, Jaimie confided in her mom. “You know, Mom, it’s really strange, but I feel more pregnant than ever.”
“Jaimie, honey, you’ve been pregnant for a couple of months, and it takes time for your hormones to get back to normal.”
“That’s probably it,” Jaimie said.
About a week after her D & C, Jaimie was startled awake at six in the morning by a phone call.
She groggily picked up the phone. “Hello?”
“Hello, Ms. Watson?” an efficient sounding voice on the other end of the line asked.
“This is Dr. Hansen. How are you feeling?”
“I feel okay.”
“Are you in any pain?”
“No, I’m not in any pain,” Jaimie answered cautiously.
“Why? Is there something wrong?”
“Are you sure you’re not in pain?”
“Yes, I’m absolutely sure,” she insisted.
“Mrs. Watson, remember how I told you that we routinely send the D & C tissue samples to the lab to be sure we got all the fetal material?”
“I just got word from the lab that no fetal tissue was found.” “What does that mean?” Jaimie asked.
“It means that you must have an ectopic pregnancy and the baby is implanted outside the uterus, probably in the fallopian tubes, and that’s quite dangerous. I need you to get to the hospital right away for emergency surgery. And have someone drive you.”
“Okay,” she said, “I’ll leave just as soon as I can.”
“Mrs. Watson, I’m serious. You need to get to the hospital — now. I called you this early because I wanted to be sure you do not have anything to eat or drink. I have called ahead, and the doctors are waiting for you.”
Jaimie hung up the phone.
God, why are You doing this? she thought as she turned to tell Bruce the news.
Fifteen minutes later, Jaimie was being rushed to the hospital. When she arrived she was whisked into an emergency room with curtains for walls.
The ER doctor walked in and introduced himself. “We have been called by your doctor. I understand you have an ectopic pregnancy. Let’s see what’s going on.”
He hooked Jaimie up to the now familiar ultrasound machine. After a few minutes with the wand, he said, “Excuse me, I’ll be back shortly.”
A few minutes later he reappeared with another doctor, who looked intently at the screen for what seemed like several minutes.
The two doctors began talking excitedly and finally said that they wanted to get Dr. Hansen on the phone.
“Okay,” Jaimie said.
Finally, the ER doctor reentered Jaimie’s room and sat down next to the hospital bed. “Mrs. Watson, I don’t know how to tell you this.”
Oh no. Do I have cancer? she thought. “Tell me what?” “It’s… well… it’s your baby.”
“What baby? I don’t have a baby — at least not since the D & C,” Jaimie told him.
“That’s what I have been told, but… well, I don’t quite understand this, especially given that you supposedly had a D & C. But Mrs. Watson, your baby is right there in the womb, right where it should be.”
“What… what are you saying?”
“I am saying you are still pregnant with what looks like a normal pregnancy, with your baby right where it belongs.”
“How can that be?” Jaimie said. “I thought the D & C would have sucked out everything.”
“It should have. There is no medical explanation for this, and I certainly don’t understand it,” the doctor said with tears in his eyes. “All I can say is — it’s a miracle! It’s the hands of God.”
Seven months later a beautiful, healthy little girl, Sabrina Watson, was born.

Thanks be to God for his mercies and loving kindness that never fails and to Jesus who is on the right hand of God interceding for us. There are many that have suffered loss of a child or are even still waiting for such blessing and Joy, we pray our Almighty father that you will remember them, wipe away their tears and fill them with laughter. May every heaviness of heart be made light, let them experience newness of life in their wombs and restore all they have lost. We join hands with them to declare your praise, goodness and love. Unto you who answers prayers we have come and receive in Jesus name, Amen

Enjoy listening to the music below. It's a song of reassurance.

A moment of your time please:

If you have a testimony or life story to share or know a friend that has one, send me an email and I will endeavor to publish it as per your instruction. My email is

Also check out to see what am learning in my bible studies. Remember to share and encourage others.

Thank you.


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