Sunday, April 17, 2016

My heart crys out!

My heart desire is to be a vessel that will keep telling people about God our Father, the power of Jesus name and the comfort that the Holy Spirit gives. A recent event made me to realize I have to keep on striving to be what God wants me to be. He is ever faithful and full of love no matter what am passing through. I felt blessed during church service last week and words filled my heart and mind. I started scribbling in church and it continued when I got back home. It's an heart cry "Lord, make me a Testifier!"

Make me a Testifier!
Heavenly Father, maker of heaven and earth, I come before you with heart filled with gratitude for who you are, what you have done and what you are about to do in our lives. To you be all the glory, honor and praise. Through all generations you have revealed yourself to those who you have called by name. To Adam you were "Elohim the creator", to Abraham you were "God Almighty" and to Moses "Jehovah", the I am that I AM.

 We come before your presence and ask in the name of Jesus that you begin to reveal yourself to us in ways and manner that will make us testifiers of who you are. That our experience of your goodness and faithfulness will be like fire shut up in our bones and we won't be able to keep quiet but proclaim you are God. For those that need creative miracles in their bodies be the Elohim, be Jehovah the unchanging, eternal, covenant keeping God to those that need to be set free from every bondage. To my brother and sisters who have been hungry for your love, for acceptance be their Shalom. For those that have suffered lose in various ways, be Jehovah Jireh and restore all that has been lost.

We need you, God Almighty and confess that you are the all powerful God who makes rivers in the desert, makes every crooked path straight. Many have sang or testified about your love, mercy and goodness, may we join with them to proclaim your glory.

At the Red Sea, Moses declared " Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today"." The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still". Arise O Lord and fight for us, let us experience deliverance and victory in every area of our lives.
May we be able to declare "When the LORD brought back the captive ones of Zion, We were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter And our tongue with joyful shouting; Then they said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them."

David, a man after your heart testified "I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread." Forsake us not but draw closer to you, reveal yourself, open our eyes and ears that we may experience and have a deeper knowledge of you. Lord may our lives be pleasing to you and help us to be stars that lead others to the glory of your name. Grant us boldness to tell friends, family, neighbors and strangers about you, your faithfulness, mercy and loving kindness. 

Jesus testified "Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. "I knew that You always hear Me;" John 11:41-42, may we be able to stand before a cloud of witnesses with assurance and testify that you always hear our prayers. Help us to overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. Thank you for making us testifiers in Jesus name. Amen.

Things to note:
  • To contact me, use the contact form on the left hand side of the blog or
  • I encourage us to share our testimonies or praise report of God's faithfulness. It does not matter whether old or recent. They are memorial stones pointing to God.  
  • Click on My Reflections above to get a glimpse of what am learning from my bible studies.

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