Saturday, April 23, 2016

God Sustained my Family

Praise be to God Almighty because his" promises are yea, and in him Amen". Over and over again my family experienced the goodness and mercy of God during a four year period in which He only became our hope and help.

During this period my husband was a student and the family's monthly income was barely sufficient to take care of bills and put food on the table. Despite this, we held on to God and made sure we pay our tithe because we believed strongly in not stealing from God. Sometimes, even though what we have will not cover monthly rent, we still go ahead to pay tithe and each time God opens financial doors that tides us over to the next month.

One particular Sunday, we did not have enough gas in the car to get to church for worship service. The distance between our apartment and the church is about 20 miles, with the gas tank reading empty, we drove the car to church, praying all through that we will get to our destination and God did it. We had thought we would be able to get a little financial help from a friend, so we could buy gas before going home, but alas the friend did not come to church that day. With great fear and prayers we returned home with the same empty tank. God in his mercy moved that car without gas in it.

Another way in which we saw God move on our behalf was in the area of health. A family with two kids and no health insurance risks a lot but God was faithful in keeping us all healthy. It became a habit anytime we share Holy Communion in church to lay claim to excellent health by the blood of Jesus. There was a time that one of the kids was running a fever, I stayed back at home to take care of her, but being Holy communion Sunday, I asked my spouse to bring back my own. On getting it, I prayed over it and gave it to my sick child. Within an hour, the fever was gone and got well.

The greatest challenge we had apart from paying bills was paying school fees for my spouse. Apart from the first year in which he was able to pay on his own, he resorted to school loans which are due at the beginning of the next semester. In the last term of his program, the school demanded that the backlog of school loans must be cleared up before He will be allowed to register for classes. By then the arrears was about $15,000. Before the school resumed, all avenues to raise the amount was not successful.

On resumption, the school held firm and did not allow him to register. During this process, we fasted and prayed for divine intervention and kept believing God for breakthrough. Three weeks after registration had closed; by then my spouse had missed about six weeks of classes; God made a way and within a week we were able to pay of the total amount to the school. The school bursar was so surprised because they had already put debt collectors on my husbands trail, he went ahead to write a note to the school registrar to allow my spouse register for classes even though registration had closed. My spouse was allowed to register and he graduated with honors soon after.

From that period to now, we have learned to totally depend on God for all of our needs. He is more than able to keep us and take care of us. He has never failed or disappointed us. To those who need such breakthrough, I encourage you to keep holding on to the promises of God and soon you will laugh and rejoice. 

Yours in Him,

God is Good all the time. He is ever attentive to our prayers. Jesus we pray that you will give us the grace to wait patiently while you are working things out for our good amen.

Things to note:

In order to make it easy to send in your testimonies, I have created a "Share your story" page. It can be found under the page header above. Also there is an update on my study of the book of Philippians on my reflections page.

Have a wonderful week.

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