Sunday, May 1, 2016

Blessed with Life and Increase

Permit me to say a few things on my mind.
  • God is infinite and we can never have enough of him, the more of him we seek to know or pursue, the more of himself he gives or reveals.
  • Past victories are beautiful reminders of God's grace, mercy and faithfulness but don't be caught up in past victories, that you will use yesterday's grace to fight today's battle. Remember, the mercies of God are new every morning.
  • Never think for one moment that God has forgotten you, 'No not at all' continue to be still, wait on him and soon your expectations shall be fulfilled. I should know, He did something for me on Friday night that showed He knows every thought of my heart.
  • When you experience God in a profound amazing way i.e Miracle, don't rest on your oars but desire more of him who gave the miracle.

The faithfulness of God, the Almighty cannot be comprehended by the mind of men.
I was pregnant some years ago and almost two (2) months into it, I had slight pain around the lower part of my abdomen with bleeding. This condition took me to the hospital and diagnosis established Ectopic pregnancy. Surgical operation was carried out on me in order to mop it up and I was expected to get better after the loss. Instead, my condition was deteriorating.

I spent ten (10) days in the hospital before being discharged and had the surgery stitches removed.  However, I returned to the hospital after a while when my condition did not get better. Medical investigations revealed that my state of health was as a result of the growing fetus in my womb and that I would be better as the pregnancy progresses.

This came as a surprise and for the few days I spent in the hospital, people throng my room with gifts to behold the woman who God had favored. Several of them expressed gratitude to the Lord on my behalf and said this could not have happened if not in the life of a believer. That it takes being a child of God to enjoy distinguished miracle.
I want to say that this pregnancy was the most simplest of all that I had and the birth was easy without surgical operation. PRAISE THE LORD!

Seizing the opportunity to pray that God who had favored me, will bless as many as are desirous of the fruit of the womb in Jesus name, that truly none shall be barren in the house of faith. Mostly importantly, let everyone reading this piece surrender all to Christ!

Mrs. Akinyemi-Adigun, K.A.,
Glory Chapel International,
Ilorin, Nigeria.

Enjoy watching the video illustration below.

Title: How do we grow 

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