Sunday, May 29, 2016

I survived Cancer

There is nothing like feeling the presence of God as you walk through difficult challenges or circumstances. God's presence feels you with peace and faith that all is working out for good. Mrs A recently celebrated the goodness of God in her life with a thanksgiving service and shared a little bit of her story during the service. Below is part of it.

I survived cancer:

Is there hope for a cancer victim?
Yes, there is hope, because, I am a living proof for all to see; ALIVE and LIVING, Hallelujah! 30 years of survivorship.

By chance it was diagnosed that my lump was cancerous at stage II in nature, facing the reality of the diagnosis was a huge shift in my life, as from March 16th 1986 when my 40th birthday was around the corner. That time it appeared that there was no hope of survival and that my life was coming to an end. But for the power of the Almighty God, the God of all possibilities who saves, heals and able to deliver, and bring back to life no matter what the circumstances or situations, much more cancer, intervened and keep me alive till today.

After years of surgeries, rounds of chemotherapy, radiations and series of treatments, in and out of hospitals, not to talk of the huge costs of treatments,

today I am a survivor to be celebrated, and to testify that there is hope for cancer victims. Our God is not a God of tragedy. He does not kill through diseases or accidents, He is not a murderer. It is the devil that has come to kill, to steal and to destroy. Any time the fear of accident or cancer comes to you, remember that the name of Jesus is higher than any other known or unknown diseases, cancer inclusive. The only advice is early detection, treatment and above all your absolute trust in the ability of God to preserve life, and give you life, Praise God!

There is no way I can give this testimony without expressing my gratitude to my darling husband of forty-five years of marriage come May 2nd, 2016, praise God! Apart from him, there are other people God used, my children, siblings, relatives, close childhood friends, men and women of God around me and the church at large. I thank all the Doctors of all categories of cancer treatment, my primary doctors, surgeons, oncologists, and all specialists involved in my survivor story. I thank all the pharmacists, nurses and all departments of hospital care team both in Nigeria, U.K and the USA, they are all part of my survivor story of 30 years !!! Praise God.

To encourage someone reading this testimony is the purpose of this writing. Cancer can come to anyone at any time, it can enter marriages, children, adults, young and old, but remember to focus on the power of our supreme God, the Almighty, the creator of the whole universe to save, cure, heal and keep to the last day. As a survivor, I am a strong woman, I do not sit around feeling sorry for my self, waiting to be pitied by people who cannot help me. I do not respond to people who laugh at me or mistreat me. I feel stronger because I am a survivor and not a victim. Jesus is in control of my life, not chemo and radiations.

I thank God again and again for my husband of 45 years, he is made perfect by God Almighty for the ugly situations of my life. I can say I am lucky that my husband sees me as a "gift", not as a burden, as a blessing not a problematic wife.
He stood by me through thick and thin, always at my side, encouraging me. He never gave up on me or exchange me for a supposed brand new substitute. He is very patient and caring, I know God has rewarded our being alive together today. That young, amazing, handsome man just turned seventy five years old! you will celebrate many more happy years on earth in Jesus name Amen.

There is hope for cancer patients, trust God in His ability to keep you and for you to stay alive.

Be patient.
Be prayerful and serve Him.
Obey medical instructions.
Take your medications as prescribed.
Do not miss treatment and follow-up appointments
Though may be costly, but God provides
Finally rest in the Lord.

My daughter gave me this quotation during one of the agonizing pains, I quote Mom " We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey". My son, Ola, will say, Mummy " *Enisuru, Jesus is in control".

To God be all the glory. Hallelujah

* "Enisuru " means "be patient "

A few more things:

While putting together today's write up, a question popped into my mind and am asking for your thoughts on it.

Is sharing testimony a cultural thing or trait?

I will appreciate your views on it. You can respond into the comment section at the end of the page or email your response to


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