Sunday, May 22, 2016

Saved from the powers of darkness

The testimony being shared this week is on a topic I have discovered makes a lot of people quite uncomfortable. Some people may say why share this? One reason is that Jesus our Lord said " I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you" another is that we should not be ignorant of satan's schemes or devices. Apostle Paul brings it closer when he advised us to be strong in the Lord and the power of his might in Ephesians 6. Many more examples abound in the bible. That truth still holds true today and more than ever before, we must be battle ready against the god of this age. In order to maintain privacy, no name will be mentioned in the testimony below. Thanks.

Sometimes ago, I slept in the night, only for me to hear ' sickness, you are going to be sick. Immediately, I woke up, stood up and said' No, in the name of Jesus, I will not be sick and will not die', I prayed and slept again. The following day, I went for bible fellowship and raised a prayer request, because the sound that I heard was so real, so they prayed for me.

About a week later, which was Easter Monday, I attended a drama program and on getting back home, I found a very big he-goat dead in front of the gate. I wondered and asked,' who killed this goat', because the goat did not belong to me, 'who must have killed this goat here?' Then I remembered that word ' you are going to be sick', immediately I started rejecting sickness and death in the name of Jesus, no member of my family will be sick, every plan of the enemy return back to the sender in the name of Jesus. So I prayed very well.

In the night, I started feeling feverish and fell so sick before daybreak, when morning came, I was weak, could not eat, was sweating profusely, and was experiencing pain all over my body. Everyone around me was surprised because I went to bed very healthy. I decided to seek and get medical attention, on getting to the hospital, I was placed on admission because my vitals had depreciated a lot. The nurses had a tough time getting a drip line into me because I was still sweating profusely and it had everyone wondering what could have happened. That was the beginning of a sickness that lasted two(2) weeks. A lot of tests were conducted to find out exactly what was wrong, but all tests was inconclusive and the doctors could not pinpoint a particular cause.

By the third day of the sickness, my eyes and skin turned yellow, every part of my body was yellow. During this period, people were coming to the hospital to pray for me, some people fasted on my behalf, some stayed overnight with me praying in the night. The doctors tried various types of drugs that they felt will meet the problem, but none worked for me.

One evening , I was taken to the bathroom, as I was about to use the facility, all of a sudden two black birds appeared, flying and roaming swiftly around my head, my sister who was with me, ran out shouting, a staff of the hospital who was on hand too, ran out, but I refused to run out and started pleading the blood of Jesus as much as my voice could be loud. Eventually, those two birds left out of the window and I returned back to my bed. That night, one of my daughters' and my son's friend came to stay with me, after falling asleep, I had a dream. In the dream, I saw four men holding small pillows in their hands, I asked them,' what do you want from me? " They answered " we have come to stifle life out of you", I said 'me?, you cannot stifle life out of me, because I cannot die, Jesus has carried my debt, he was wounded for my transgressions,  he was bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of my peace was laid upon him, and by his stripes I am healed and I have been delivered'. I further said ' no incantation or divination against me will prosper, anyone that rises against me will fall for my sake , I triumph over all the powers of the enemy, life is my portion, I will not die', I was constantly affirming I will not die but live, life is my portion , all scriptures that came to my head in the dream, I was quoting it. All of a sudden, these four men fell down rolling on the floor, as I was shouting scriptural passages.

Thereafter I woke up, on waking up, I did not want to stop, so I continued to confess positively the scriptures concerning my life, that life is my portion. After a while, I recognized my daughter and the other boy, both of them were pleading the blood of Jesus over and over again. Then I kept quiet and asked them 'why are you pleading the blood of Jesus?', they replied, ' we heard everything you were saying in the dream, because you were saying it out, and we realized you were facing battle and did not want to wake you up, so we supported you by pleading the blood of Jesus'.

When I saw them beside my bed, I was very happy and I went back to sleep. On sleeping again, I had another dream in which I saw a woman with a bag filled with various things, as I was looking at the woman, I asked her ' what are you carrying? Who owns it?'. She replied "take it, it belongs to you". I then said ' No, it does not belong to me, I will not carry evil load, every incantation and divination against me back to sender in Jesus name, you will carry it yourself forever and it will not affect me'. I shouted at the woman in the dream, then I woke up from the dream. To my amazement and surprise, every pain had disappeared, and from that time, I was able to sleep īn peace. 

When I woke up in the morning I was very strong, no more pain, my hands and skin that was yellow was becoming normal and by evening, all traces of yellow in my eyes, hands and skin had disappeared. My Appetite returned and I was able to eat, drink and do a lot of things that I could not do before. I was very happy and grateful to God. By the second day, I was discharged from the hospital and that was how I was delivered from the power of darkness. If not for the word of God that the Holy Spirit ministered to me, I would not be alive today, so I thank God Almighty because of his love and care for me. He saved me from death and sickness. I thank God for all he has done for me, I pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen us with his word in Jesus name. Amen

All glory be to God who fights our battles for us and gives us the victory. One thing am taking away from this testimony is that memorizing the word of God is very important, it is one of the armor Paul says we should put on, that is, the sword of the Spirit. May we learn how to rightly divide the word of truth and also exercise the authority we have been in Christ Jesus. Amen.

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