Sunday, April 10, 2016

" I was Favored "

A couple of weeks ago, I received an email that really lifted my spirit and encouraged me greatly. The writer shared:

 "Thanks for the platform to share testimony of God's faithfulness. The posted testimonies have ‎opened my eyes to more dimensions of God's power to His children and some have brought tears to my eyes.
Please find attached my testimony if it will be worthy of sharing on the platform".

Every testimony is worth sharing! God is unlimited in his power and none compares to him. He saves to the uttermost in extraordinary ways using extraordinary means and also in ways that seems unremarkable to man. Each new day we experience is a blessing because the mercies of God are new every morning and great is His faithfulness. Let's be conscious of the presence and power of God every single moment of our day. An assembly ground prayer that we recite when I was in Elementary School is still relevant today.

God be in my head, and in my understanding;
God be in mine eyes, and in my looking;
God be in my mouth, and in my speaking;
God be in my heart, and in my thinking;
God be at mine end, and at my departing.

Words: Sarum Primer, 1558

Esther's Testimony*

I stand amazed of how God fights on behalf of His children, raises help for them when helpless and speaks on their behalf when they have no voice.
I became pregnant four months after I got a job and as my pregnancy advanced was visibly weak and tired but I kept pushing myself to deliver expected results at work. When the pregnancy was 27 weeks old, I almost collapsed at work and was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. Not too long  after that incident, I was given opportunity to work from home, which was a huge favor.

I started working from home at about 34 weeks, by that time I felt better and was eagerly awaiting my baby's arrival. At 37/38 weeks, I started having contractions that lasted several hours and close to 5 minutes apart. I thought it was time but later the strength of the contractions waned and finally stopped. I went for a check up but I was only 2cm dilated. The wait for the next ten days was not easy for me and felt I was already overdue because my first child came at 37 weeks.

Finally at 39 weeks and 3 days, the contractions resumed, it was on Saturday/Sunday morning. I made it to Church in the morning while the contractions continued and gradually intensified. I was also able to attend house fellowship that evening but had to round up early. By the time I was admitted at the hospital, I was about 7 cm dilated. My water broke when I started pushing and the color showed that baby already had a bowel movement. Our baby girl arrived close to midnight. ICU team was on ground to clear her nose and airways.

After we were moved from the delivery room to the recovery room, I was not able to use the bathroom within the expected period of time. The nursing staff informed me a catheter will be used to assist me. I requested for more time to use the bathroom without aid. I was very sore because of the fresh stitches and called on God to intervene. To the glory of God, before the nurse came back to insert the catheter, I was able to go. Baby was on observation for 48 hours after which we were discharged.

I went back to work one year after my baby was born. She is just 18 months so all that happened at work is pretty recent. I am still holding on to God to establish my feet, make my work excellent beyond reproach and lift me up to His glory alone. Thank you.

                         "For those who find me find life and receive favor from the LORD."
                                                                   Proverbs 8:35

One of the literal definitions of favor is "an act of kindness beyond what is due or unusual". There are times and situations that we experience an act of deliverance through the favor of God. Queen Esther prayed and found favor with King Xerxes in order to seek redress against Haman and his plot against the Jews. The salutation of the angel of God to Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus was:

                                "Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God."
                                                                      Luke 1:31

 I pray that each one of us, our families and friends will begin to find favor with both men and God. The favor of God that distinguished Daniel will begin to manifest in every situation we find ourselves. May such favor and blessings come even when we don't know we need it and cause breakthroughs that have never been seen or experienced before. May the favor of God open every door that has been closed in our lives and may such favor enable us to dwell in high places Amen.

* Not real name of testimony sharer.

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